Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay about Developmental Assessment - 1310 Words
The child I chose to write about for this assignment is two year old Danjuma from Wayne, Ohio. He is the youngest of three children and attends an Early Head Start Program two days a week. The child’s parents have jobs; when the mother is working her sister takes care of Danjuma. The family has financial problems but don’t qualify for any type of public assistance. Danjuma is twenty-four inches tall and twenty-eight pounds. He walks well and has good coordination; he can be seen running, jumping, creeping, crawling, and rolling. He can kick a small ball forward as well as catch a ball using is full body; he can also throw a ball overhand. At home he can turn doorknobs, get himself undressed, and can feed himself using eating†¦show more content†¦When someone approaches the child to help him complete his task, he refuses it, saying â€Å"Me do it.†This child can also count to five but has no knowledge of how many each number word represents. He also know s the words â€Å"same†and â€Å"different†as well as the concepts behind them. Danjuma is very verbal at home; his family can easily understand what he says. His teachers have said that he is difficult to understand as he has many substitutions for different words. For example: â€Å"Coat†is â€Å"boat†and â€Å"hungry†is â€Å"bungy†. His family often has to step in and translate for others outside the family. This child can understand simple directions as well as other phrases used in typical everyday situations. When his mother prompts him, Danjuma can tell his two older siblings about his day at school. He loves â€Å"reading†books and is often seen looking at familiar books in his own. He also knows the A B C song but has no understanding that the letters he sings correspond to specific graphic designs. He also loves drawing and makes a variety of scribble marks using a fist grasp on his crayon. Danjuma is a socially outgo ing child and easy to get along with. There are times when he appears to be stubborn; for example, there are times when he insists on removing his coat on his own, even when the task is a little too difficult for him. He is able to leave his parents comfortably and is used to hearing the words â€Å"I’ll beShow MoreRelatedThe Developmental Reading Assessment ( Dra )1966 Words  | 8 PagesEducational assessment is the process of documenting usually in measurable terms, knowledge, skill, attitudes, and beliefs. Assessment can focus on the individual learner, the learning community, the institution, or the educational system as a whole. Assessment is important because of all the decisions you will make about children when teaching and caring for them. The early stages of the assessment process are extremely important. 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