
Saturday, January 4, 2020

The Islamic Religion Extensively Twisted Teachings About Terrorism and Oppresses Women Free Essay Example, 1500 words

Fasting is mostly reserved for the month of Ramadan. In Sura 2:182-185, the Quran spells out the rationale for fasting and what is required of the Muslim during this time of self-preservation (Ali, 1951). The month of Ramadan was chosen because it was in the final ten days of Ramadan that Muhammad experienced his nights of power and first received revelations from Allah. Ramadan has two sides: negative (self-denial) and positive (appreciation of simple gifts from Allah like food, drink and charity to neighbours) From sunrise to sunset for 29-30 days, one is supposed to fast from food, drink (including water), gambling, sexual activity and all sensual pleasures. Total abstinence reminds a Muslim that each life is one of sacrifice finally dependant on God. This is one example of Islam s concerns for the poor. It is a kind of social security system, and it helps a Muslim community share its wealth and maintain equality. Zakat is a tax of 2.5% of one s yearly savings. Almsgiving is an act of worship where the money obtained is used for the poor, needy, disabled and other deprived people. We will write a custom essay sample on The Islamic Religion Extensively: Twisted Teachings About Terrorism and Oppresses Women or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page

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